Sustainable living workshop
What glorious weather we are having here. A perfect balance of rain & sun, 22c days and 10c nights, yay!
We're actually getting sun-showers right now with a double rainbow :)
Hope that you are having the same where you live :)
After a later start, much is in full bloom right now. So many apple tree blossoms of pink, white,.. Bright green evergreen tips, silver birch catkins, cheery blossoms, wild & cultivated delicate strawberry blossoms. The list is long and I'm sure you have the same picture where you are.
Our raised bed vegetable gardens are loving the rain & sun as well!
A couple of months ago, I started writing a column for a local newspaper on off-grid &
sustainable living and am starting to offer workshops to anyone looking for inspirations or finally ready to make some changes to their lifestyles.
If you are going to be in the vicinity this might interest you as well.

2 hours,
Light lunch,
A bag of ash/sawdust,
A jar of concentrated citrus-infused vinegar,
A jar of concentrated composted comfrey tea,
A head of organic garlic,
A one-of-a-kind wooden hook,
A tomato plant, while quantities last.
This is a $70 value offered for $50 p/p. Carpool and receive an extra $5/p off :)