Hello all,
Lovely Last days of Summer :)
Finally a bit of good, news?
It's been a productive last couple of weeks. The outdoor kitchen/gathering-place etc. is coming along nicely. Not trouble-free or smoothly but still moving on forward :)
Yesterday we finally managed to move our shipping containers over from our neighbour's property to our own, after nearly threes years!
But as good of a day as that was, it even got better! I know, you never hear this sort of news, do you?
We had a visit from friends we hadn't seen in three years. Lovely family that
we met when we moved to London oh nearly ten years ago?

Of course in the city, there's never much time to connect with anyone, what with the traffic, the daily grind, the after school classes,....
Like we said, we could have talked for hours but sadly they had to make their journey back home so we cherished the hour or two that we had together.
They were very kind. Lot of encouraging words & recognizing what we've done here so far. Wish everyone could do the same but I realize that what we did took a huge leap of faith or perhaps we were just fed-up with our city-lives.
Also very costly with a different sort of stress, lol.
So yeah, it was good to be reminded of my efforts here to start a holistic stetting where folks can come & for at least a few days forget about their regular & stressful lives as they charge their batteries, get inspiration, learn something new and from people who actually are doing it rather than simply lecturing it.
Sustainability, self-sufficiency, emergency preparedness, growing organically, mindfulness, .....
Be well...Namaste