Much appreciated!
If you are anything like me, you are more likely to offer help before you are asked and rarely offered any. But that's life & we don't expect everyone to be go-givers like us so...
Then there are those rare moments & people who, from out of no-where & quite unexpectedly, arrive to offer us help and although hesitant & uncomfortable with this strange notion, we do accept :)
This is one such happy story :)

It was nearly two weeks ago when I came across an ad for a small exercise equipment. It was more than I had to spend on it partly because it was just going to be something to add to the group of exercise equipment for our exercise/yoga/meditation-room that had no sense of urgency and partly because we still haven't even started paying our kind lenders back yet :(
So I emailed the seller and said that the price was more than what I had and I didn't wish to insult by saying how little my offer would be for it. I also asked to be notified in the event that they did not receive their desired price.
A few days later, I received a reply. He said I could have it at my price, yay!
He was even willing to deliver it since I didn't have a car. Unbelievable!
So we set-up a drop-off day and he showed-up right on time. I say that because not often people keep to their word, sigh. But he did :)
Anyhow, we ended-up talking for hours. He could have been my twin Dutch brother :)
By the end, impressed with what we had done so far with this off-grid main-building and my plans for the rest of this sustainable Ecovillage, he ended-up donating the equipment that he had brought to sell :)
It was very touching and encouraging to be recognized for what I'm attempting to do :)
We exchanged emails & he left. It was only the next day when I received an email from my new friend. Still impressed by my sustainable Ecovillage, he was offering to volunteer his time for an entire day of doing whatever that I needed help with, wow!
I was blown away and completely unfamiliar with any such kindness, I finally accepted his offer :)
Knowing that he was Dutch & that he is moving back home after 12 years of living here, I decided to invite a couple of other Dutch friends plus two other friends for supper.
Before that though, he & I spent some time bringing firewood in, positioning 4 raised beds & filling them Huglekulture method before we finally went bak inside for me to cook for the guests.
It was an amazingly productive day with my new friend but more than that, a very nice gathering of friends, food, laughter, stories and repeat, lol.
That is exactly how I imagine this main-building to be used as, once we officially open :)
Not simply an organic cafe or a place to stay at but a happy gathering place where stories can be told, lots of yummy food to be enjoyed, laughs to be had and good-times to be remembered :)
Happy thoughts :)