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Ready? Set, this first

Hi folks,

I've had over 180 emails from folks who are excited by what I'm trying to achieve here, thank you!

Some would like to move here & some would like to come for a visit. Again, I would like to thank you all for your kind words & enthusiasm :)

But nearly all who want to move here are confused about which path to take. If this is you, you should know that it's completely understandable because

A. this is unlike anything that either you or anyone you know has ever done. Oh sure you can go on-line & watch glorified videos of folks sugarcoating things in an effort to get "subscribers" but are they really disclosing everything?

B. How do you really know when you're ready? and when you believe that you are, have you planed it correctly or have you perhaps missed a step or provision? After all, there is so much noise & distractions surrounding you right now.

So for those of you who may be a bit confused or curious, I came-up with "Ready-gauge".

A "Ready-gauge" is a tool designed to let you know where you are with respect to how soon you can make your move, here or wherever.

On a scale of 1-10, 1 represents someone who is in his/her initial stage of questioning one's lifestyle. If you are questioning where you live, who you live with, what you eat, breath, drink, your "friends", where/how you work...... then you are at the first stage. Congratulations!

You should know that many people never make it to this crucial stage.

This also means that you will need to spend the next 2-6 years preparing yourself by researching alternative lifestyles, sole-searching, meditating, contacting folks like me, visiting these types of places,....

#1-5 represents someone who has already been dissatisfied with his/her life for sometime and recognizes the need for a change if one is to grow, or at the very least reduce sources of stress by getting ready for a better life. You have done some searching and are aware of the alternatives. You have also started a dialogue with your friends & family about your feelings. Your readiness for your move is taking shape & is inevitable. However, this still does not mean that it's going to happen within the next two years. There are still so much more to consider. Things like, income, where to go, where to live(the actual structure), safety & security, distance from family & friends, savings,....

If this is you, then you have 2-4 years before you can make your move.


Lol, There is no 10 as if there was, you would already be here.

If you have already had it with your current life, your surroundings, your neighbours, "friends", the traffic, the noise, the pollution, the constant bad news, the stresses of work, the hours, the commute,...

And if you have done considerable search into the alternative, have been saving-up, downsizing, decluttering, crunching numbers,... then you are pretty close to your final move :)

But, there are still more to consider such as, am I ready to live somewhere rustic albeit temporary, with perhaps no running water, electricity, plumbing, distance from the town, no employment, slow construction of my own home,........for a year or two in exchange for clean air, water, food, no traffic, peace & quiet,.....?

You really need to be ok with worse possible cases. The transition was super hard for me too but not at all when I reminded myself of what I was leaving behind & what I was gaining, which was completely foreign to me & just a dream or fantacy :)

Now if this is you then you are truly ready to make the move within a year, yay!

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