For decades, when we lived & worked at our city jobs, we donated 2%+ of our annual income to charities.
Here & now I am going to do even more!
By paying myself only $12K/year, all other earnings will be put back into my many projects in an effort to help the disadvantaged in addition to purchasing & employing locally :)
We receive no funding from any government or NGOs. So we are grateful to receive any donations, be it in a form of cash, time or items that you do not want to see end up in the landfill site.
We will post updates on what we have accomplished with your donations but we also encourage you to come out in person to see your donation at work, for yourselves.
Our success stories
Please note that individuals' names have been changed for privacy reasons. Hope you understand :)
Once we had our deed in our hands in October of 2015, we got busy searching for the perfect spot to clear & build our main-building.
It wasn't easy but we finally found the perfect person for helping us with the clearing of our patch.
George was a super nice guy who had recently been laid-off from his landscaping job. This young man had also recently quit his promising career with the army as the army mentality was no longer in-line with his personal approach to life.
He was one of the heros who had fought the devastating fire in Kelowna BC in 2003, an incident that was later made into a documentary by National Geographic. The decision to quit the army was not an easy one for him as he was from a long line of soldiers. His brother & father & also his mother's side of the family were also career soldiers.
We went on employing local contractors, carpenters & purchasing our building material and even our solar assembly locally from small mom-&-pop shops & an energy co-op, but this next story takes the cake.
Denver, an individual in his mid 40's with Aspergers, has been battling many challenges throughout his life as with most individuals who do not fit the typical profile of an average person. However, he is gifted with everything electrical and as such we decided to employ him to put together our renewable energy assembly.
It took a huge leap of faith and let us tell you that it was not an easy matter, not only to have to trust him with over $20,000 worth of material but also dealing with his personality which many others had warned us about.
Still, we have made a commitment to encourage, empower & enable the disadvantaged, folks with Aspergers, ADD/ADHD, mild-autism,.... and we lived-up to it :)
I myself have accepted an unpaid position of our Knowledge Art Nature school President. But I've gone beyond my unpaid duties & am involved in fundraising efforts, stacking of the firewood & even sweeping & moping the floors.
I also volunteered to cook for busy families who either needed a break from cooking once a week, something different or simply not enough time for a home-cooked meal.
I do this at cost or free, if they drop-off their pots & ingredients, just as an example.